- edu: 学部,学科,研究室等の教育組織
- research: 学部,学科,研究室等の研究組織
- lab: 学部,学科,研究室等の教育組織
- office: 本部の事務組織
- org: COE,学会,国際会議等の組織
- group: COE,学会,国際会議等の組織
- committee: 全学委員会
edu, research,lab,office の場合,xxxの部分については所属部局に応じた部局プレフィックスが付きます.例えば情報基盤センターの場合は,「istc-」という部局プレフィックスが先頭に付きます.
org,group,committee の場合,xxxの部分は自由に決めることができますが,情報基盤センターで適切な名前かどうか審査させていただきます.
Group Web Page Service
This service is one of the Additional Services, which helps you to launch web pages for laboratories and other purposes.
You can launch a web page with the URL like
on a virtual web server operated by the center.You can select any of the portions below for "yyy" in the URL.
- edu: For educational organizations such as faculties, departments, and laboratories
- research: For research organizations such as faculties, and departments
- lab: For educational organizations such as faculties, departments, and laboratories
- office: For clerical work organizations of the head office
- org: For organizations such as COE, conferences, and international conferences
- group: For organizations such as COE, conferences, and international conferences
- committee: For school committees
Where edu, research, lab, or office is used, the Department Prefix that corresponds to each department is added to the portion "xxx". For example, the Department Prefixes "istc-" is added to the URL of the Information Science and Technology Center.
Where org, group, or committee is used, you can freely decide what name is given to the portion "xxx". However, the Information Science and Technology Center will screen names to insure if they are appropriate or not.