神戸大学 LMS BEEFは,学習管理システム(LMS)として教育・研修機関で多く採用されているオープンソ―スのeラーニングプラットフォーム 「Moodle」を利用し,Web を活用した学習支援システムです.
神戸大学 LMS BEEFには,以下の2つのサービスがあります.
神戸大学 LMS BEEF 20XX
- 通称「BEEF」
神戸大学 LMS BEEF Venture (LMS BEEF コース設置サービス)
- 通称「Venture」
BEEF:Basic Environment for Educational Frontier
LMS :Leaning Management System
Kobe University LMS BEEF
Kobe University LMS BEEF is a Learning Management System (LMS), which is used to support
teaching and learning. Kobe University LMS BEEF is based on a free Open Source Platform, called
Moodle, which is widely used in institutions and organizations.
Kobe University LMS BEEF provide learning support functions such as enabling the distribution of
teaching materials, communications between teachers and students, submission of reports, etc.
Kobe University LMS BEEF provides 2 services:
Kobe University LMS BEEF 20XX: This is a basic service, which is used for targeting classes registered in Kobe University Academic Affairs Information System (URIBO-Net). We usually call it "BEEF".
Kobe University LMS BEEF Venture (LMS BEEF course setting service): This is an Additional Service, which has almost same functions as BEEF. We usually call it "Venture". Venture is targeting activities of education and research.